• Co-author of 3 publications with the Minor Lab [show]
    • 87 citations in Web of Science
    • 144 citations in Google Scholar
  • Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): 2.07

  • Training Period: 2001-02, Postdoc
  • Prior Institution: Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
  • Prior Degree: PhD (2001)
  • Project Title: Bioinformatics and functional analysis of protein structures
  • Current Position: Richard and Suzan Rogel Professor in Cancer Therapeutics. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Publications with the Minor Lab

  1. Grembecka J, Chruszcz M, Cierpicki T, Murai MJ, Reddy G (2011)
    Crystal structure of menin reveals binding site for mixed lineage leukemia (MLL) protein.
    J. Biol. Chem. 286(36): 31742-8. [DOI:10.1074/jbc.M111.258186] [Pub Med ID: 21757704] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3173070]
    WoS Times Cited: 73 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 120
  2. Grembecka J, Pielaszek R, Grabowski M, Otwinowski Z, Minor W (2002)
    The usage of database techniques to evaluate the structural genomics targets.
    Acta Crystallogr., A, Found. Crystallogr. 58(supplement): c368.
    WoS Times Cited: 0 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 0
  3. Zhang RG, Grembecka J, Minor W, Vinokour E, Dementieva I, Joachimiak A, Collart F (2002)
    Structure of Bacillus subtilis YXKO--a member of the UPF0031 family and a putative kinase.
    J Struct Biol 139(3): 161-70. [DOI:10.1016/S1047-8477(02)00532-4] [Pub Med ID: 12457846] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC2793413]
    WoS Times Cited: 14 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 24